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YouTube Takes Steps To Censor "Controversial" (a.k.a. "Conservative") Content

YouTube Takes Steps To Censor "Controversial" (a.k.a. "Conservative") Content

Last night YouTube took to its 'Official Blog' to more or less announce that they would be taking steps to censor content they found to be "controversial" even if it didn't break any laws or violate the site's user agreement.  And while the message vowed to be part of an effort to "fight terror content online," the move was met wth widespread skepticism among YouTuber's as nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to censor conservative speech.

America's Productivity Plunge Explained

America's Productivity Plunge Explained

For the first time since the financial crisis, US multifactor productivity growth turned negative last year, mystifying economists who have struggled to find something to blame for the fact that worker productivity is declining despite a technology boom that should make them more efficient – at least in theory.

To be sure, economists have struggled to find explanations for the exasperating trend, with some arguing that the US hasn’t figured out how to properly measure productivity growth correctly now that service-sector jobs proliferate while manufacturing shrinks.

NYC Government Employee Busted Mining Bitcoin On Work Computer

NYC Government Employee Busted Mining Bitcoin On Work Computer

Mining bitcoins is a notoriously electricity-intensive process better suited for areas where resources are subsidized by the government (like the mountainous Northern China, where a cluster of some of the world’s largest mining pools are located), or are at least exceedingly cheap. Cities like New York, are, of course, not ideally suited for the task of mining. But then again, if you’re not paying for the electricity, then it may as well be free, right?

NYC Department of Education headquarters

5 Huge Benefits of Self-Driving Cars

Via The Daily Bell

New technology can be scary. It certainly presents risks and challenges. But I have to admit, one technology I am very excited about is autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars.

We’ve talked about the potential for the Internet of Thing to leave us with nowhere to hide, and self-driving cars are part of that. We have also mused about the possibility of the government ruining self-driving cars.

But let’s take a moment to balance those positions with the benefits of autonomous vehicles.
