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Facebook Tumbles Then Surges As Algos React To "Fake" Earnings Estimate

Facebook Tumbles Then Surges As Algos React To "Fake" Earnings Estimate

Facebook first tumbled then jumped after reporting Q2 EPS of $1.32, which initially slammed the stock as much as 5% lower however, then jumped just as quickly when it emerged that Bloomberg had blasted a wrong EPS estimate, according to which the company had missed earnings of $1.38...

  • FACEBOOK 2Q EPS $1.32, EST. $1.38

... only to immediately correct itself, and release the correct consensus expectations, which was $1.13. Implodes, Resorts To GoFundMe Implodes, Resorts To GoFundMe

Via, is a failed liberal blog from 1994.  The website claims to
be the internet’s oldest and most popular fact-checking site. Last
year, Snopes Co-Founder was accused of embezzling company money, and spending it on prostitutes.

Now you can find the blog begging for $500k in funding via GoFundMe. So, far the campaign has raised $18,000 in 3 hours via 710 people...

Another victim of the fake news campaign backfiring on the left.

A Primer On The "Global Sharing Economy" In 20 Charts

A Primer On The "Global Sharing Economy" In 20 Charts

This morning, BofA has released a humongous, nearly 200-page "primer" on the global sharing economy which in the eyes of Wall Street and Silicon Valley is the biggest disruptor behind virtually all 21st century business models. Since it is impossible to summarize the report, which will be largely ignored by most of BofA's clients who will instead focus on the hundreds of charts scattered throughout, we will simply summarize the basics as laid out by BofA, and then present some of the more interesting charts, with the remainder to be published in subsequent thematic posts.
