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The 75,000 Mile Wide Hole In The Sun Could Black Out Earth's Communications

The 75,000 Mile Wide Hole In The Sun Could Black Out Earth's Communications

Authored by Mac Slavo via,


The sunspot spotted by NASA as our sun creeps toward its solar minimum is 75,000 miles wide. That has huge implications for our satellites and communications systems, and the sunspot could cause some blackouts on Earth.

The huge sunspot has the potential to send out dangerous solar flares known to take out important communication equipment, satellites, and even huge sections of the power grid. 

Is This The First Sign Of A Technology Dump And A Neo-Luddite Era?

Is This The First Sign Of A Technology Dump And A Neo-Luddite Era?

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

Are we on the verge of a rebellion against technology?

Yesterday I was taken aback when I noticed an elderly Wal-mart greeter amusing herself with a fidget spinner.

What the hell is a fidget spinner? It’s a toy you just spin with your fingers.

It’s the hottest selling summer entertainment item that retails between $2.99-$8.99 depending on wether it lights up or makes noise.

Domestic Abuse: A Smart Device Called the Police

Via The Daily Bell

This article is not about fear. This article is about common sense.

Last week, we discussed the internet of things, and how smart devices could be used to literally know more about us than we know about ourselves.

This is not some distant future dystopia we are talking about. It is already happening.

A smart device in a home called the police during a domestic violence incident.

Morgan Stanley Slashes SNAP Price Target To $16 From $28 After Sub-IPO Plunge

Morgan Stanley Slashes SNAP Price Target To $16 From $28 After Sub-IPO Plunge

Just hours after Snap(chat), or rather its shareholders, were gravely injured when the stock tumbled below its IPO price, one of the company's IPO underwriters Morgan Stanley decided to add some insult, when its analyst Brian Nowak downgraded the social network, or photo app, or whatever it is these days, to equal-weight, cutting its price target to $16 from $28 on ad product and competition concerns. Shares promptly tumbled another 2.7% to $16.50 in pre-market trading on the downgrade .

The Number Of Young Men Not Working Has Doubled In 15 Years

The Number Of Young Men Not Working Has Doubled In 15 Years

Authored by Robert Donachie via The Daily Signal,

Young men are working less and playing video games more, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research study published Monday.

Men ages 21 to 30 years old worked 12 percent fewer hours in 2015 than they did in 2000, the economists found. Around 15 percent of young men worked zero weeks in 2015, a rate nearly double that of 2000.
