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US Government Prepares For 'Space Weather Event' As NASA Warns "Solar Minimum Is Coming"

US Government Prepares For 'Space Weather Event' As NASA Warns "Solar Minimum Is Coming"


A new report and video out from NASA about the upcoming ‘solar minimum’ has been published. The report titled ‘Solar Minimum is Coming’ outlines every 11-years, the sun oscillates from a solar minimum to a maximum. Today, the sun is called “solar minimum,” says Dean Pesnell of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. “And it’s a regular part of the sunspot cycle”. The sun is heading towards a solar minimum where the sunspot count will be relatively low.

Ransomware Still Only Makes Up Small Share Of Growing Malware Threat

Ransomware Still Only Makes Up Small Share Of Growing Malware Threat

One type of malware has captured the attention of the world. Recent ransomware attacks show the devastating effects it can have on business and infrastructure.

After a worldwide attack with a cryptoworm called "WannaCry" in May, another attack with a strain of ransomware called "Petya" started on Tuesday and kept on spreading around the world on Wednesday.

As Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes, malware has come a long way in the last ten years, as the infographic below shows.
