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Automation's Destruction Of Jobs: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet...

Automation's Destruction Of Jobs: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet...

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Employers have no choice: it's innovate/automate or die.

Automation--networked robotics, software and processes--has already had a major impact on jobs. As this chart from my colleague Gordon T. Long illustrates, the rise of Internet technologies is reflected in the steady, long-term decline of the labor force participation rate-- the percentage of the populace that is actively in the labor market.

Website Email

Until today, the website has not been able to receive your feedback email since June 8. This part of the email is again functioning.
The website still does not receive mail in the interview request and republication request categories. The last received was June 6. This explains why you haven’t had any response.

The post Website Email appeared first on

Google Promises To Bury "Questionable" Content On YouTube

Google Promises To Bury "Questionable" Content On YouTube

The issue of filtering out content that advocates or glorifies terrorism on widely-used media sites like Alphabet’s YouTube has come under renewed scrutiny since authorities learned that 23-year-old Salman Abedi was radicalized after watching videos of an American preacher posted on the site. So unsurprisingly, barely two weeks after UK Prime Minister Theresa May accused tech companies of providing a “safe space” for extremist content, Google’s General Counsel Kent Walker has revealed four new measures the company is taking to censor its users.

Records Of 198 Million US Voters "Accidentally" Exposed By RNC Contractor

Records Of 198 Million US Voters "Accidentally" Exposed By RNC Contractor

While the Republican National Committee was allegedly busy evading Russian hacking attempts during the campaign, one of the contractors tasked with running its big-data operation apparently stored some of its most-sensitive files on an unsecured Amazon server that could be accessed by anyone who stumbled across the URL. As the Hill reports, Deep Root Analytics left a database containing 24 terabytes of data, including information about 198 million potential voters, or virtually the entire eligible population.
