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Canadian Billionaire, Wife, Found Dead In "Suspicious" Suicide

Canadian Billionaire, Wife, Found Dead In "Suspicious" Suicide

The billionaire founder of Canadian generic drug Apotex Inc, Barry Sherman, and his wife Honey, were found dead in their Toronto home on Friday under what police described as "suspicious" circumstances.

Honey and Barry Sherman

Police said they were investigating the mysterious deaths after responding to a midday medical call at the Sherman’s home in an affluent section of northeast Toronto. Two bodies covered in blankets were removed from the home and loaded into an unmarked van on Friday evening.

Toronto's Housing Bubble Is Crushing The Strip Club Industry

Toronto's Housing Bubble Is Crushing The Strip Club Industry

Until now, Canada's soaring housing prices were just another innocent asset bubble spawned by low interest rates and an endless supply of Chinese cash that needed to get laundered.  That said, massive bubbles are almost always followed by severe unintended consequences that can have a crippling impact on society as a whole...and in Toronto those unintended consequences are now manifesting themselves in the form of a rapidly deteriorating supply of strip clubs.

Be Careful What You Sniff In Canada

Be Careful What You Sniff In Canada

A new crisis is developing in Canada and it’s not the housing bubble.

A far more sinister one, that is taking the country by storm, as a new wave of fentanyl has washed up on the shores of Canada from an unknown origin most likely China, and has made it onto city streets.

To our friends in the business district of Toronto, be - careful what you sniff - it might contain fentanyl. 

Here’s why:

Toronto Housing Market Implodes: Prices Plunge Most On Record

Toronto Housing Market Implodes: Prices Plunge Most On Record

Until mid 2017, it appeared that nothing could stop the Toronto home price juggernaut:

And yet, In early May we wrote that "The Toronto Housing Market Is About To Collapse", when we showed the flood of new home listings that had hit the market the market, coupled with an extreme lack of affordability, which as we said "means homes will be unattainable to all but the oligarchs seeking safe-haven for their 'hard'-hidden gains, prices will have to adjust rather rapidly."
