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Transportation Security Administration

Thanksgiving Travel: Trump's Holiday Gift Is More Invasive Airport Security

Thanksgiving Travel: Trump's Holiday Gift Is More Invasive Airport Security

Authored by James Bovard, op-ed via,

Federal groping-on-steroids is not making flying safer. TSA is a farce and a menace, and should be privatized...

On the campaign trail last year, Donald Trump derided the Transportation Security Administration as a “total disaster.” But his administration is making TSA more intrusive and abusive while its 42,000 screeners remain as incompetent as ever. 

TSA Can Legally Play With Your Genitals In New Pat-Down Procedures

TSA Can Legally Play With Your Genitals In New Pat-Down Procedures

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents are now authorized to effectively play with passengers genitals as part of new pat-down procedures.  US airport security procedures are being overhauled to allow TSA agents to pat-down everybody passing through security – and the new pat-down instructions issued to agents include more intimate “comprehensive” techniques.

TSA Launches "Invasive" Pat-Downs With "More Intimate Contact Than Before"

TSA Launches "Invasive" Pat-Downs With "More Intimate Contact Than Before"

As a result of a study, which found that weapons routinely make it past airport security, the TSA is introducing “more rigorous” and “comprehensive” physical inspections at airports around the country, according to Bloomberg. The security agency, which until now had the option of using five different types of physical pat-downs in the screening line, is eliminating the "options" and replacing them with a single, universal method which would involve heavier groping.

TSA Finds Record Number Of Guns In Carry-On Bags In 2016 - Up Over 250% Since Obama Elected

TSA Finds Record Number Of Guns In Carry-On Bags In 2016 - Up Over 250% Since Obama Elected

A record number of firearms was discovered in carry-on bags in the U.S. in 2016, according to the Transportation Security Administration. In total, 3,391 firearms were found in carry-on bags at TSA checkpoints across the country -- averaging more than nine per day - an amazing 28% rise from 2015 and a shocking 250% increase since President Obama first took office.


Guns were discovered in 238 airports across America with Atlanta the highest...
