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Debunking Two American Myths

Authored by The Saker,

There are two myths which are deeply imprinted in the minds of most US Americans which are extremely dangerous and which can result in a war with Russia.

  • The first myth is the myth of the US military superiority.
  • The second myth is the myth about the US invulnerability.

I believe that it is therefore crucial to debunk these myths before they end up costing us millions of lives and untold suffering.

The Military Industrial Complex Is Undermining US National Security

The Military Industrial Complex Is Undermining US National Security

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The ongoing problems with the F-35 and other military programs, stemming from virtually unlimited budgets, underline the inefficiency of the American military-industrial complex (MIC). In contrast, Moscow develops armaments capable of counteracting the latest technological advances of the US at minimal cost.

RAF Typhoons Intercept Two Russian Bombers Heading For UK

RAF Typhoon jets were scrambled on Wednesday to intercept two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers heading towards UK airspace. The Telegraph reports: The Typhoon jets were dispatched from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire on Wednesday afternoon following the security alert. An RAF spokesman said the situation was “on-going” and was not uncommon. He said: “We have Typhoons up on a quick reaction alert. The situation is on-going.” It is believed the aircraft are with the Long Range Aviation branch of the Russian military. They have never penetrated UK airspace.