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What Most Syrians See Of Their War

Submitted by Eric Zuesse, Investigative historian and author of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

What Most Syrians See of Their War

Here is a video of what most Syrians are seeing and experiencing of the war, and it’s titled “Living in the crosshairs, May 29th 2016 ENG SUBS” (the “ENG SUBS” means “English subtitles”).

Turkey’s Erdogan Warns Germany Not To Recognise Armenian Genocide

Turkish President Erdogan has issued an angry warning to Germany, saying that if they dare to recognise the Armenian genocide, Turkey will cut off diplomatic ties with the country.  Following the Berlin vote to officially recognise the mass-killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces in the First World War as an “act of genocide,” Erdogan hit back by delivering a furious televised speech in Turkey. reports: Turkey would never accept the charge that Ottoman troops were guilty of “genocide”, he said.

British Army Slammed For Training Turkish & Saudi Troops

Politicians and human rights campaigners have slammed the British army for sending troops to train and mentor authoritarian regimes like Turkey and Saudi Arabia, saying the “deeply concerning” practice needs to be addressed. Criticism came after it was revealed that British troops are taking part in a combined exercise in Turkey with Saudi, Qatari and Turkish troops.
