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Erdogan-Hitler Images Projected Onto Turkish Embassy In Germany

Artists in Germany have projected images onto the Turkish and Saudi Arabian embassies in Berlin comparing Turkey’s Erdogan to Hitler and implicating the Saudis as supporting terrorism. The artists projected a large picture of Turkish president Recep Erdoğan wearing a Nazi armband and Hitler’s toothbrush moustache in protest against the recent imprisonment of two journalists in Turkey. Beside the picture on the walls of the Turkish embassy were the words “He’s back”.

Erdogan Accuses The West Of Caring More For Wildlife Than Syrian Lives

Turkey’s President Erdogan believes that western countries care more about the rights of animals and gay people than the plight of 23 million Syrians. RT reports: “Shame on those who deny the sensitivity they show to the whales, seals and turtles in the sea to the right to life of 23 million Syrians,” Anadolu Agency quoted Erdogan as saying. “Shame on those who put their security, welfare and comforts ahead of other people’s survival,” the Turkish president said, addressing the crowd in the northwestern province of Kocaeli.

Turkey Threatens ‘Anti ISIS’ Operations In Syria

Turkey has threatened to launch unilateral “operations” on Syrian soil allegedly against ISIS and amid long-running speculations on Ankara’s covert plans for a military intervention in Syria Last week the Turkish prime minister said that that Ankara was in a position to send ground troops to Syria if necessary Press TV reports: On Thursday, Turkish President Erdogan said Ankara “is doing all the necessary preparations to clean the other side of the border because of the problems in” Kilis Province near the southeastern frontier with Syria, which has come under several rocket attacks since J

Turkey Threatens Europe: "Unless Visas Are Removed, We Will Unleash The Refugees"

Turkey Threatens Europe: "Unless Visas Are Removed, We Will Unleash The Refugees"

Following months of appeasement of Turkey's dictator Recep Erdogan, Europe has found itself surprised that as it yields to every incremental demand, Turkey simply asks for more and more. One such example was chronicled by the FT earlier today in "Turkey demands EU hands over €3bn for refugees" in which we read that "a row has erupted between Turkey and the EU over billions of pounds in aid for Syrian refugees, casting fresh doubt on a fragile deal to halt the flow of people towards Europe."
