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UBS Global Real Estate Bubble

"Hong Kong House Prices Could Soar Another 10% Next Year" - Have They Just Rung The Bell?

"Hong Kong House Prices Could Soar Another 10% Next Year" - Have They Just Rung The Bell?

Hong Kong property was in Algebris Investments’ top tier of six most inflated bubbles from its longer list of the world’s fourteen biggest bubbles. The territory is ranked as the most expensive housing market in the world for the seventh successive year in 2017, with the medium home price selling for 18.1 times the median household income, according to Forbes. Last week, we discussed how the record price per square foot for a Hong Kong residence was smashed twice on the same day by the same buyer.

Here Are The Cities Of The World Where "The Rent Is Too Damn High"

Here Are The Cities Of The World Where "The Rent Is Too Damn High"

In ancient times, like as far back as the 1990s, housing prices grew roughly inline with inflation rates because they were generally set by supply and demand forces determined by a market where buyers mostly just bought houses so they could live in them. Back in those ancient days, a more practical group of world citizens saw their homes as a place to raise a family rather that just another asset class that should be day traded to satisfy their gambling habits.