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NATO Chief Threatens Dire Consequences If UK Vote Brexit

NATO chief, General Jens Stoltenberg, has warned Britain that a Brexit vote would lead to dire consequences for the UK and Europe.  Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told an event at Brussels that if the UK vote Brexit it will lead to instability throughout Europe. “What really matters for NATO is, I strongly believe, a strong UK in a strong EU. It is good for both the UK and the EU but also for NATO,” Stoltenberg said on Monday. reports: Stoltenberg, the former Norwegian premier, said that it was “up to the British people” to decide about the future of their country.

UK PM Cameron Goes M.A.D. As Brexit Odds Hit Record High

UK PM Cameron Goes M.A.D. As Brexit Odds Hit Record High

Following the two polls overnight pointing to a significant lead for "leave" over "remain" in the Brexit vote, as we noted, cable tumbled and volatility premia spiked as Brexit odds surge to their highest yet. This pushed UK PM David Cameron into full panic mode, explaining that "we're not scaremongering," Cameron then said during an interview that Brexit would put a "bomb under our economy, and the worst thing is, we'd have lit the fuse ourselves."

Futures Flat Following Friday's Jobs Fiasco: All Eyes On Yellen Again

Futures Flat Following Friday's Jobs Fiasco: All Eyes On Yellen Again

Every ugly nonfarm payrolls has a silver lining, and sure enough following Friday's disastrous jobs report, global mining and energy companies rallied alongside commodities after the jobs data crushed speculation the Fed would raise interest rates this month.  “The disappointing U.S. jobs report on Friday means that a summer Fed rate hike is off the table,” said Jens Pedersen, a commodities analyst at Danske Bank. “That has reversed the upwards trend in the dollar, supporting commodities on a broader basis.

UK Police: Tory Election Fraud Scandal Is Being Covered-up

Over a dozen police forces in the UK are ramping up their investigations of allegations of huge election fraud by the Tory party. Police say the scale of the fraud is unfolding to staggering proportions, and have accused the Conservative party of attempting to cover it up by silencing the media from reporting on it. The 33 constituencies involved so far see 29 Tory MPs implicated in breaking the law. reports: Due to the rapidly unfolding situation, a recap is necessary. U.K.
