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United Kingdom

Police Leader Warns, Army May Be Brought In To Patrol British Streets

The Army may have to be deployed on the streets of Britain to carry out routine policing duties because constables are reluctant to train as firearms officers. Chairman of the Police Federation, Steve White, said officers are not volunteering to carry guns because they fear being “hung out to dry” and treated like a suspect if they discharge their weapon. “If you cannot get police officers carrying guns then you are going to have to have the Army on the streets” White warned.

George Osborne Calls Leave Campaigners ‘Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists’

The British chancellor George Osborne has said that ‘Brexiters’ are so paranoid that they would accuse the media and politicians of faking the moon landing and covering up the loch ness monster. The Tory chancellor even shared a platform on Monday with his former rivals Ed Balls and Vince Cable to warn about the terrible dangers of leaving the EU. The Huffington Post reports: George Osborne has claimed the ‘Brexit’ campaign is so paranoid it thinks the moon landing was faked as he made a fresh warning of the deep economic cost of leaving the European Union.

Frontrunning: May 16

  • European Stocks Fall as Chinese Economic Data Disappoint (WSJ)
  • Oil Climbs to Highest Since November as European Shares Retreat (BBG)
  • Yen weakens on Japan intervention talk before G7 meets (Reuters)
  • Wall Street’s Bond Forecasters Splinter as Fed Credibility Wanes (BBG)
  • Amazon to Expand Private-Label Offerings—From Food to Diapers (WSJ)
  • Oil prices rise on Nigerian outages, Goldman forecast (Reuters)
  • 'Avengers' threaten new insurgency in Nigeria's oil-producing Delta (Reuters)

Brexit Would Hit The Poor & Vulnerable Hardest Says David Cameron

According to David Cameron, the poorest and most vulnerable people in the UK would be hit hardest by the economic consequences of leaving the EU. Leaving the union would be a “national error” Cameron wrote in an article for the Daily Mirror newspaper. He said leaving would see prices rise and threaten jobs, in a move that has been seen as an attempt to reach out to Labour voters. The BBC reports: The referendum takes place on 23 June, when voters in the UK will be asked whether they want the country to remain in, or leave, the European Union.
