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United Kingdom

David Cameron Defends Britain’s Alliance With Saudi Arabia

David Cameron has defended Britain’s alliance with Saudi Arabia and British support for the controversial Saudi-led air-strike campaign in Yemen. The British prime minister also dismissed concerns that funding for ISIS came from the Riyadh. The Saudi Arabian ambassador to the UK slammed the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn last month for raising the allegations. RT reports: Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today program on Monday, the Prime Minister defended UK’s arms exports to the oil-rich autocracy and said that the UK carefully monitors how the Saudis use British-made weapons.

LIVE: Parliament Debate Donald Trump Ban Today

British parliament are to formally debate whether or not to ban Donald Trump from the UK today at 4:00 pm (GMT). The debate comes after over half a million British citizens signed a petition in support of banning Trump from the country for hate speech. [scroll down for live video] The petition reads: The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.

Secret Spy Equipment Found On People’s Phones Across London

A team of journalists have discovered a large-scale network of sophisticated surveillance equipment that spies on people’s phones across London, amid a growing black market for the same technology worldwide.  Vice News found multiple instances of catchers – also known as stingrays or cell-site simulators – across London including the UK parliament, a peaceful anti-austerity protest, and at the Ecuadorian embassy (where Julian Assange is being held). Vice News reports: A former senior surveillance insider also confirmed to VICE News that they have been used by UK police.

A Loophole Allows Banks – But Not Other Companies – to Create Money Out of Thin Air


The central banks of the United States, England, and German - as well as 2 Nobel-prize winning economists - have all shown that banks create money out of thin air ... even if they have no deposits on hand.

The failure of most governments and most mainstream economists to understand this fact - they instead believe the myth that people make deposits at their bank, and these deposits are then lent out to new borrowers - is the main cause of our rampant inequality and economic problems.
