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Bank of England's Andrew Haldane Admits Forecasting Errors

Via The Daily Bell

Chief economist of Bank of England admits errors in Brexit forecasting ... Andrew Haldane says his profession must adapt to regain the trust of the public, claiming narrow models ignored ‘irrational behaviour.’  The Bank of England’s chief economist has admitted his profession is in crisis having failed to foresee the 2008 financial crash and having misjudged the impact of the Brexit vote. -Guardian

‘Transgender Studies’ To Be Taught In UK Primary Schools

British children as young as seven are to be taught in schools to stop using the terms ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ – in case they discriminate against transgender pupils – as a taxpayer-funded book about transgenderism is being rolled out to primary schools across the United Kingdom. The book — Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity? — focuses on a 12-year-old who is transitioning from a girl to a boy through drugs. It also lays out ‘ground rules’ for children to follow, advising against using language that suggests there are only two genders. It also condemns saying ‘ladies’ and ‘gents’.

Risk On: 2017 Stock Rally Continues As Global Inflation Accelerates

Risk On: 2017 Stock Rally Continues As Global Inflation Accelerates

Following another day of upbeat economic data, with growing signs that inflation on both sides of the Atlantic is accelerating, investors rediscovered their faith in the Trumpflation rally, pushing global stocks and US equity futures higher, fuelling a second day of 2017 equity gains ahead of today's release of the Fed's December minutes.

Britain Braces For Civil War As Brexit Date Looms

British citizens are warning that riots and civil war may happen if Brexit isn’t delivered by the March 31st deadline as originally promised.  According to increasing numbers of Brits living in Brexit-strongholds across the UK, people are becoming restless and ready to take to the streets if the government renege on their Brexit promise. reports: Sky News visited Brexit-strongholds and talked to people who made it clear what they thought would happen if the timeline for Britain’s exit from the EU was not announced soon. “Oh, there’ll be mass riots. There’ll be hysteria.
