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Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

It would be difficult to find a program that better exemplifies the word “failure” than the Pentagon’s “train and equip” effort in Syria.

Last May, US Central Command issued a hilariously absurd press release outlining what was quite obviously going to be a disastrous effort to arm rebel fighters. “The US military and partner forces have begun training the initial class of appropriately vetted Syrian opposition recruits this week to support the effort to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL in Syria,” the PR read.

Eerie UFO Footage Shows Aliens Knew About 9/11

Video evidence of a purported UFO has surfaced showing alien spacecraft flying near the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks on September 11, 2001.  A series of YouTube videos by Australian Phil Young suggest that aliens worked in conjunction with elements within the U.S. government to orchestrate 9/11. reports: LARGE BLURRY UFOS SAW 911 Somewhere out there, a society of out of focus aircraft are terrorizing Earth and are responsible for 911. Either that, or the footage that Philip Young has showed it utter junk.

Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown Happened 37 Years Ago

Monday marked the 37th anniversary of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the first major nuclear power plant emergency to rattle the U.S. and the world. On March 28, 1979, a minor incident at a nuclear power plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania quickly turned into a major nuclear accident with the world holding its breath as the reactor core went into meltdown. Incredibly the fictional film “The China Syndrome” starring Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas and Jack Lemmon was released depicting the exact scenario just days before the accident, which added more fuel to the nuclear meltdown fears.
