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United States

Is the Market Misreading the Data?

Is the Market Misreading the Data?

The US markets are in a quandary.


On the one hand, some of the data (GDP growth, unemployment, etc.) suggests the Fed should continue to hike rates. On the other hand, other data points (food stamp usage, labor participation rate) suggest the US never actually entered a real recovery.


More importantly, how can the jobs data suggest such a strong employment situation… when one in seven Americans are on food stamps?


Bail-In Regulation To Blame For “Bank Turmoil” In EU?

Bail-In Regulation To Blame For “Bank Turmoil” In EU?

Bail-In Regulation To Blame For “Bank Turmoil” In EU?

The Financial Times recently looked at how the new bail-in resolutions in the EU, U.S. and most of the western world and asked whether they may be leading to "bank turmoil" and increased concerns about banks and the banking sector in the EU. As is typically the case with coverage of the bail-in regime, the important article was little noticed.

Frontrunning: March 2

  • Trump, Clinton capture key wins on Super Tuesday (Reuters)
  • Hillary Clinton Triumphs in Delegate-Rich Super Tuesday States (WSJ)
  • S&P 500 Futures Follow Oil Lower, Erase Gain After Super Tuesday (BBG)
  • Oil below $37 as U.S. inventory rise counters output freeze plan (Reuters)
  • Wall Street's big short: President Donald J. Trump (Reuters)
  • Ex-Chesapeake CEO McClendon Indicted Over Lease Bid Rigging (BBG)
  • Port Sale Highlights Western Australia’s Sinking Fortunes (WSJ)
