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After Blowing Up Its Clients With Its "Top 6 Trades For 2016", Goldman Has A New Trade Recommendation

After Blowing Up Its Clients With Its "Top 6 Trades For 2016", Goldman Has A New Trade Recommendation

After refusing to even consider the possibility of a recession in the US for over a year, the first cracks in Goldman's armor are starting to appear. Over the weekend chief equity strategist David Kostin said that while the probability of a recession according to GS economists remains low, saying that "their model suggests the US has an 18% probability of recession during the next year and 24% likelihood during the next two years", Goldman's clients and investors "continue to inquire about the impact a contraction would have on the US equity market."

The Next Shoe Just Dropped: Equity NAVs Of 348 CLOs Slide Below Zero; "Market Changed Dramatically In 6 Weeks"

The Next Shoe Just Dropped: Equity NAVs Of 348 CLOs Slide Below Zero; "Market Changed Dramatically In 6 Weeks"

At the peak of the last financial crisis, as the credit liquidation wave was jumping from one highly levered product to the next, one of the hardest hit sectors was Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO) space, where the rout and massive P&L losses across most tranches led to a revulsion for new issuance, which effectively shut down the sector for the next 3 years.

All U.S. Presidential Candidates Show Unwavering Support To Israel

American political analyst Dr. Kevin Barrett has said that the entire political establishment in the U.S. have served Israel for decades, and will continue to do so in the future – regardless of who is elected President in the 2016 elections.  Barrett says that if Republican candidate Ted Cruz gets elected he will ignore Palestinians completely, offering Israel unwavering support in a show of  “shameful subservience”. reports: Speaking at a town hall meeting in South Carolina on Friday night, Cruz said, “Let me tell you this: As president, I have no intention of being neutral.
