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All U.S. Presidential Candidates Show Unwavering Support To Israel

American political analyst Dr. Kevin Barrett has said that the entire political establishment in the U.S. have served Israel for decades, and will continue to do so in the future – regardless of who is elected President in the 2016 elections.  Barrett says that if Republican candidate Ted Cruz gets elected he will ignore Palestinians completely, offering Israel unwavering support in a show of  “shameful subservience”. reports: Speaking at a town hall meeting in South Carolina on Friday night, Cruz said, “Let me tell you this: As president, I have no intention of being neutral. As president, I will be unapologetically alongside the nation of Israel.” Cruz also condemned his Republican rival Donald Trump for saying he would remain neutral in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Dr. Barrett said the news “should come as no surprise, because that’s precisely what virtually the entire political establishment here in the United States has been doing for many years, even for decades.” “But that is really not very polite, certainly not to the Palestinians, who have been suffering from this Israeli expansionism, aggression and arguably genocide for so long, all paid for by American taxpayer dollars,” he added. “Ted Cruz like the other Republican candidates for president [...]