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United States

Would The Establishment Allow Bernie Sanders To Be President?

Bernie Sanders looks to be a real contender for the U.S. Presidency after facing off his rivals in a few debates and revealing to the public his anti-establishment credentials and his lifelong fight for justice. He has galvanized an otherwise improvised electorate with his modern way of crowd sourcing his electoral campaign and in return promising real and tangible returns for 99% of Americans. Jacob G.

A Preview Of This Weekend's Event That Could Unleash A "Vicious Bear Market Rally"

A Preview Of This Weekend's Event That Could Unleash A "Vicious Bear Market Rally"

As noted earlier today, BofA's chief credit strategist Michael Hartnett is anything but bullish: in his own words, he remains a seller "into strength in coming weeks/months of risk assets at least until a coordinated and aggressive global policy response (e.g. Shanghai Accord) begins to reverse the deterioration in global profit expectations and credit conditions."

The Full Summary Of U.S. Banks' Energy And Commodity Exposure

The Full Summary Of U.S. Banks' Energy And Commodity Exposure

As this website exclusively reported three weeks ago, under explicit guidance by the Dallas Fed and associated regulatory pressure, US lenders have been instructed to not only not accelerate energy company counterparty defaults but to suspend energy loan book MTM entirely in distressed cases to avoid contagion concerns.

Questionable marks notwithstanding, in their fourth quarter earnings reports and conference calls banks had no choice but to reveal what their existing "publicly appropriate" exposure to oil and gas companies looks like.

Futures Flat As Dollar Weakness Persists, Crude Rally Fizzles

Futures Flat As Dollar Weakness Persists, Crude Rally Fizzles

After yesterday's torrid, chaotic moves in the market, where an initial drop in stocks was quickly pared and led to a surge into the close after a weaker dollar on the heels of even more disappointing US data and Bill Dudley's "serious consequences" speech sent oil soaring and put the "Fed Relent" scenario squarely back on the table, overnight we have seen more global equity strength on the back of a weaker dollar, even if said weakness hurt Kuroda's post-NIRP world and the Nikkei erased virtually all losses since last Friday's surprising negative rate announcement.
