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United States

Why The U.S. Can't Be Called A "Swing Producer"

Submitted by Arthur Berman via,

Daniel Yergin and other experts say that U.S. tight oil is the swing oil producer of the world.

They are wrong. It is preposterous to say that the world’s largest oil importer is also its swing producer.

There are two types of oil producers in the world: those who have the will and the means to affect market prices, and those who react to them. In other words, the swing producer and everyone else.

A swing producer must meet the following criteria:

Report Says United States Set To Collapse After 2016 Civil War

A Russian Security Council (SCRF) report suggests that 2016 will be the year that the government of the United States completely collapses, following a civil war amongst its citizens. The report says that the collapse of both the United States and Saudi Arabia governments will occur in 2016 as a result of mass revolts against the corruption these governments rule by, which will then lead to a global era of “unprecedented instability”.

As The Saudi Economy Implodes, A Fascinating Solution Emerges: The Aramco IPO

Earlier today we reported that when it comes to Saudi Arabia, things are going from bad to abysmal, with the market is clearly aware of it. Saudi riyal forwards hit their highest level in almost two decades as oil plummeted: twelve-month forward contracts for the riyal climbed 260 points, and set for the steepest close since December 1996 on growing speculation the world’s biggest oil exporter may allow its currency to slide against the dollar for the first time since 1986 (incidentally, Bank of America's "Number One Black Swan Event For The Global Oil Market In 2016").
