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United States

B-52 Nuclear Bomber Flies Over South Korea To Remind Kim Jong Un

The United States flew a B-52 Stratofortress strategic bomber capable of carrying nuclear bombs over its ally South Korea yesterday. The move was a show of force, to remind North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, after his country carried out a nuclear test last week, who is boss when it comes to self defense. Reuters UK video: The U.S. deploys a B-52 bomber and fighter jets to fly over its ally South Korea, in a show of alliance following North Korea’s nuclear test. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Marco Rubio Thinks It Is OK For Israel To Spy On The US But Not For The US To Spy On Israel

Marco Rubio Thinks It Is OK For Israel To Spy On The US But Not For The US To Spy On Israel

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Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power From A Federal Government Run Amok"

Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power From A Federal Government Run Amok"

When it comes to Texas' relationship with the Federal government, the word "rocky" comes to mind. And nobody embodies said rockiness better than Texas governor Greg Abbott, who recently made headlines after announcing that irrelevant of D.C.'s demands, Texas would refuse to accept any Syrian refugees.
