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2015 Greatest Hits: Presenting The Most Popular Posts Of The Past Year

One year ago, when looking at the 20 most popular stories of 2014, we were troubled by a recurring thread: "despite the just concluded 6th consecutive year of a rising S&P 500 - the longest such stretch since 1999 of what otherwise would be deemed optimism - despite what should be a steadily improving economy and improving social and economic conditions, what readers founds most fascinating, and troubling, was the increasing preponderance of social disobedience, of covert, proxy or outright wars, and of civil unrest: all phenomena that accompany a world sliding deeper into distress,

What's Ahead In 2016 - Key Events Of The Next 12 Months

What's Ahead In 2016 - Key Events Of The Next 12 Months

Elections, elections, and more elections is the 'change' meme for 2016 but, as Bloomberg details, the key events of the year ahead vary from a California marijuana referendum to Brazil's Olympics, and from Davos to SCOTUS. No matter what, 2016 holds a lot of opportunity for volatility, and without The Fed's safety net, who knows what that means for markets...

Here's a selected calendar of key events for the year.

15 News Stories From 2015 You Should Have Heard About But Probably Didn't

Submitted by Carey Wedler via,In 2015, the iron fist of power clamped down on humanity, from warfare to terrorism (I repeat myself) to surveillance, police brutality, and corporate hegemony. The environment was repeatedly decimated, the health of citizens was constantly put at risk, and the justice system and media alike were perverted to serve the interests of the powers that be.

The Uncomfortable Truth About The Great Boom And This "Recovery"

Submitted by Harry Debt via,

A Yahoo Finance headline this morning reads: “Unhappy New Year: The U.S. Economy Is Stalling Out.”

We recently learned that existing home sales in November crashed 10.5% from the month before.

Guess when the last time was when we saw these levels? The housing crisis of the mid- to late-2000s!
