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United States

Is The US Criminalizing Free-Speech?

Submitted by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute,

  • Is this House Resolution a prelude? Has Attorney General Lynch seen the potential for someone lifting her "mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric"? And what is "anti-Muslim rhetoric" exactly? Criticizing Islam? Debating Mohammed? Discussing whether ISIS is a true manifestation of Islam? Who decides the definition of "hate speech" against Muslims?

UK Parliament Schedule Debate On Whether Or Not To Ban Trump

British MPs have decided to hold a debate in Parliament about whether U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump should be allowed into the UK following a petition that attracted 565,000 signatures calling for Trump to be barred from the UK. The House of Commons petitions committee announced that a debate would be held on January 18th, in Parliament’s secondary debating chamber. reports: A rival petition opposing a ban has been signed by nearly 40,000 people. It will also be debated.

Saudi Arabia Or Iran? It's Time For Obama To Choose

“It’s not as if you have an Iranian alternative. And if you have no alternative, your best choice is to stop complaining about the Saudis.”

That’s a quote from a “senior Gulf Arab official” who spoke to The New York Times about Washington's position on the sectarian strife playing out across the Mid-East.

As a refresher, an already volatile situation took a decisive turn for the worst over the weekend when Saudi Arabia executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, sparking outrage across the Shiite community.

US Special Forces Killed And Injured During Mission In Afghanistan

A US special forces team on a counter-terrorism mission in Afghanistan have come under fire in Helmand province, sustaining casualties. A helicopter sent in to rescue the team, also came under attack and was immobilized, according to US officials. The BBC reports: Some 12,000 foreign soldiers are still deployed in Afghanistan to help local forces and some were deployed recently to tackle Taliban fighters in Helmand. ‘Not shot down’ Details of what happened in the incident, which took place near the town of Marjah on Tuesday, remain sketchy.
