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Guns, Gas, & "Selling Kidneys" - 'Off The Grid' Indicators Signal Slowing Economy

Via ConvergEx's Nick Colas,

Our quarterly survey of “Off the Grid” economic indicators finds that the U.S. economy is still growing, but the pace seems to be slowing from Q3 2015.


On the plus side, used car prices remain robust and dealer inventories of new cars are in good shape.  Americans are driving more, with the growth rate for miles driven (and gas consumed) running at levels not seen in +10 years.  Lastly, workers are still quitting their jobs at a healthy clip.


The Man That Could Save Ramadi & Fallujah From ISIL & Sectarianism

Defeating ISIL in Iraq requires coordination between the Sunni tribes and the Shiite dominated Iraqi government. The problem is however that the U.S is empowering both the Shiites and the Sunnis and thus is able to direct the course of events. The Sunni tribes were the ones who defeated the original Al-Qaeda in Iraq and are now the ones capable of eradicating ISIL. They need to be free of the threat of sectarianism in order to free their own towns and villages.

Dave Barry Answers - Was 2015 The Worst Year Ever? (Spoiler Alert: Yes)

Dave Barry Answers - Was 2015 The Worst Year Ever? (Spoiler Alert: Yes)

Authored by Dave Barry, originally posted at The Miami Herald,

Sometimes we are accused - believe it or not - of being overly negative in our annual Year in Review. Critics say we ignore the many positive events in a given year and focus instead on the stupid, the tragic, the evil, the disgusting, the Kardashians.

OK, critics: We have heard you. This year, instead of dwelling on the negatives, we’re going to start our annual review with a List of the Top 10 Good Things That Happened in 2015. Ready? Here we go:

In New Audio Clip, ISIS Leader Baghdadi Threatens Israel, Says Group Not Phased By Russian Airstrikes

Although ISIS releases nearly 40 pieces of propaganda each and every day via the group’s sprawling network of production units located in at least a dozen countries, one person you don’t hear from very often is TIME magazine’s runner-up for “person of the year”, Bakr al-Baghdadi. 
