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United States

Yemen Crisis: One More Reason to Re-evaluate the Toxic U.S.-Saudi Alliance

Saudi Arabia's involvement in Yemen has only destroyed lives and created a state of total chaos, and the U.S. government is complicit in the carnage. Both nations should, as part of the peace process, be forced to pay reparations for the tremendous damage their bombs have inflicted. The Yemen crisis should also serve as a prime moment for the U.S. to reconsider its alliance the Saudi regime.

5 Key Charts Show Rising Interest Rates Good For Gold Bullion

5 Key Charts Show Rising Interest Rates Good For Gold Bullion

Gold fell to the lowest level in dollar terms since 2009 yesterday after the Fed’s “historic” 25 basis point interest rate rise on Wednesday. The rate hike has been heralded as the “end of cheap money.” This may or may not be the case but what is more important for precious metal buyers is the impact of potential rising rates on gold prices.
