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David Stockman Warns "Dread The Fed!" - Sell The Bonds, Sell The Stocks, Sell The House

David Stockman Warns "Dread The Fed!" - Sell The Bonds, Sell The Stocks, Sell The House

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

There is going to be carnage in the casino, and the proof lies in the transcript of Janet Yellen’s press conference. She did not say one word about the real world; it was all about the hypothetical world embedded in the Fed’s tinker toy model of the US economy.

Futures Slide As Quad-Witching Has A Violently Volatile Start After Massive BOJ FX Headfake; Oil Tumbles

Arguably the biggest event overnight was yesterday's BOJ announcement which was widely expected to be non-event, yet ended up being anything but, when, as expected, the Bank of Japan did announce it would keep overall JPY80 trillion monthly QE unchanged, as forecast by 41 of 42 economists, however it also announced it would extend the average maturity of JGB holdings to 7-12 yrs, would establish a new program for ETF purchases targeting the stocks issued by companies "proactively making investment in physical and human capital", and lastly

Financial Warfare & The Big Reset: Koos Jansen Interviews Willem Middelkoop

Submitted by Koos Jansen via,

The very reason I became interested in gold after the financial crisis in 2008 was because of Dutch gold guru, author, journalist, entrepreneur, and fund manager Willem Middelkoop. When I started reading his books I was immediately obsessed with economics and the gold market – along with thousands of others across the world.  Who would have thought that I would become a precious metals analyst a few years later?

ISIS, Al Qaeda And The CIA: The Documented Connection

ISIS, Al Qaeda And The CIA: The Documented Connection

The Middle East is fertile ground for conspiracy theories, and one growing to towering heights these days says the US created the Islamic State.  But while the US may well have aided ISIS in its formative days with covert supplies of weapons and CIA funding (directly or indirectly, via Turkey leading political families) the one nation most responsible for iteration after iteration of "terrorist organizations" is Saudi Arabia which "created" not only the Islamic State, but al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and many other Sunni Jihadist groups in Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan. 
