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Report Says United States Set To Collapse After 2016 Civil War

A Russian Security Council (SCRF) report suggests that 2016 will be the year that the government of the United States completely collapses, following a civil war amongst its citizens. The report says that the collapse of both the United States and Saudi Arabia governments will occur in 2016 as a result of mass revolts against the corruption these governments rule by, which will then lead to a global era of “unprecedented instability”. reports: Of the many facts involved in fearing the collapse of the United States government, this report says, are the many warnings being issued in America today that “internal war is on the horizon” and some experts even questioning if civil war hasn’t, in fact, already begun. Leading to these fears of internal war erupting in the United States, this report continues, is the complete polarization of the American people against each other driven by what a recent Princeton University study stated was due to this nation having become an oligarchy after its abandoning of democracy. With an oligarchy being a power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people, this report explains, the grave situation presently existing in the United States is [...]