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How Government Inaction Ended The Depression Of 1921

How Government Inaction Ended The Depression Of 1921

Authored by Lew Rockwell via Mises Canada,

As the financial crisis of 2008 took shape, the policy recommendations were not slow in coming: why, economic stability and American prosperity demand fiscal and monetary stimulus to jump-start the sick economy back to life. And so we got fiscal stimulus, as well as a program of monetary expansion without precedent in US history.

China Meddling Too? Australia's "Foreign Agent" Law Is A Smokescreen For Duping The Population

China Meddling Too? Australia's "Foreign Agent" Law Is A Smokescreen For Duping The Population

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review,

Australia is implementing its own “foreign agents” legislation modelled off of the US’.

The government recently announced that foreign lobbyists must register with the authorities and that political parties will be banned from accepting foreign donations.

The move to stop foreign funding is clear-cut and understandable, though there’s a lot of vagueness and prevailing uncertainty over what criteria will be used to designate someone as a “foreign agent”.

North Korea Reportedly Testing Anthrax-Tipped ICBMs

North Korea Reportedly Testing Anthrax-Tipped ICBMs

US intelligence believes North Korea is still between 12 and 18 months away from gaining the ability to load a nuclear warhead onto one of its ICBMs, but South Korean intelligence reportedly has credible evidence that Kim Jong Un and his regime have begun testing loading anthrax onto the country’s ICBMs, according to Japan's Asahi newspaper.

As Asahi reports (via Google Translate)
