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Who To Believe On Washington's Korea Policy, Tillerson Or Trump?

Who To Believe On Washington's Korea Policy, Tillerson Or Trump?

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

President Trump has often said that his foreign policy objective was to keep his enemies guessing. If that’s the goal, you could say that he’s doing a good job. The problem is who does he think his enemies are, because the American people are often left guessing as well.

Tax Reform & The "Japanification" Of America

Tax Reform & The "Japanification" Of America

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

On Friday, Kevin Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee was on my radio program discussing the “Tax Cuts & Jobs Act” bill which was released later in the day.

Here are the details of the release he referenced in the interview.

Of course, the real question is how are you going to “pay for it?”

The 5 Oil Factors To Watch In 2018

The 5 Oil Factors To Watch In 2018

Authored by Nick Cunningham via,

Oil prices are set to close out the year somewhere around 15 percent up, and the oil market looks more stable than it has in years.

But what does 2018 have in store?

Most analysts believe more of the same – inventory declines, some shale growth, a gradual increase in the oil price and eventually an end to the OPEC deal. But a lot of uncertainty remains.

Here are 5 key issues to watch as we head into 2018.

#1 U.S. shale growth

Trump Takes Aim At China, Russia In Unipolar-World-Order-Defending National Security Strategy

Trump Takes Aim At China, Russia In Unipolar-World-Order-Defending National Security Strategy

President Trump is expected to release the new National Security Strategy for the United States this afternoon. We discussed the potential drivers behing his reportedly aggressive stance yesterday, but the bigger questions remain...

Will it rein in some of the global adventurism of the Bush and Obama presidencies?


Will it correct the gaping disconnect between what the White House says about places like North Korea and what the Secretary of State says?

