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Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up

Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up

Authored by Alexander Mercouris via,

Almost eighteen months after Obama’s Justice Department and the FBI launched the Russiagate investigation, and seven months after Special Counsel Robert Mueller took the investigation over, the sum total of what it has achieved is as follows:

(1) an indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates which concerns entirely their prior financial dealings, and which makes no reference to the Russiagate collusion allegations;


In the US Police Are A Greater Threat To People Than Are Criminals

In the US Police Are A Greater Threat To People Than Are Criminals

The Police seem to comprise “Murder at Will” and are immune to accountability.

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Six Ways US Stocks Are The Most Overvalued In History

Six Ways US Stocks Are The Most Overvalued In History

Submitted by Mish Shedlock

US large cap stocks are the most overvalued in history. Let's investigate six ways.

Crescat Capital claims US large cap stocks are the most overvalued in history, higher than prior speculative mania market peaks in 1929 and 2000.

Their 25-page presentation makes a compelling case, with numerous charts. It's worth your time to download and investigate the report.

Six Ways Socks Most Overvalued in History

These 8 Places Around The World Are Actively Preparing For Nuclear War

These 8 Places Around The World Are Actively Preparing For Nuclear War

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

Everywhere, it seems like officials are actively preparing for the possibility of nuclear war.

Tensions are high in practically every corner of the world but somehow, despite the proliferation of imminent threats, many people are still blithely unaware of the hell that could be unleashed.
