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United States

Trump Reportedly Tells Abbas He Intends To Move Embassy To Jerusalem

Trump Reportedly Tells Abbas He Intends To Move Embassy To Jerusalem

After warning that he could officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital by the end of the week - an announcement that drew vociferous objections from Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who both warned that such a declaration would irreparably damage US ties with the Muslim world - Palestinian sources are reporting that President Donald Trump told Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas that the US intends to eventually move its embassy to Jerusalem - a contested city that is claimed as a capital by both Israel and the Palestinian territories.

US Trade Deficit Surges Near Five Year High Despite Sliding Dollar

US Trade Deficit Surges Near Five Year High Despite Sliding Dollar

The US trade balance surprisingly blew out in October, increasing from $44.9 billion to $48.7 billion, as unexpectedly exports decreased and imports increased despite the ongoing dollar weakness, missing estimates of $47.5 billion. October's number was tied for the widest deficit going back to early 2012...

... and marks a stark divergence with the recent dollar weakness which would suggest an improvement in US trade data.  
