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China Deploys Jets To South China Sea, As US Simulates War With North Korea

China Deploys Jets To South China Sea, As US Simulates War With North Korea

Late last week, China for the first time confirmed the deployment of its J-11B jet fighters to the heavily disputed South China Sea islands. Footage was released by Government-run China Central Television (CCTV) in the form of military propaganda directly challenging the United States and its allies in the disputed waters. The footage confirmed the aircraft are residing in various hangars on Yongxing island, a Chinese name for Woody Island, which is in the contested Paracel Island chain.

US Military Invests In 'Doomsday Genetics' Technology: "My Main Worry Is That We Do Something Irreversible"

US Military Invests In 'Doomsday Genetics' Technology: "My Main Worry Is That We Do Something Irreversible"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Amid United Nations' fears that genetic extinction technology could be used by militaries, a United States military agency has invested $100 million in the doomsday biological technology that can wipe out an entire species.

Refugee Admissions Into U.S. Plunge 83% In First Two Months Of FY18

Refugee Admissions Into U.S. Plunge 83% In First Two Months Of FY18

As monthly refugee admissions into the United States lap the last few months of Obama's administration, the stark changes enacted by the Trump White House are more apparent than ever with admissions down a staggering 83% in the first two months of fiscal 2018 (October and November) compared to the first two months of fiscal 2017.

As CNS News points out, a total of only 3,108 refugees were admitted in October and November down from the 18,300 refugees who were admitted in October and November of last year.

Heaven Forbid Peace Should Break Out Between The US And North Korea!

Heaven Forbid Peace Should Break Out Between The US And North Korea!

Authored by Antonius Aquinas,

As long as the US Empire can be funded and maintained on the backs of its taxpaying public, the chance of de-escalation of tensions not only on the Korean peninsula, but throughout the world are practically nil.  And, as long as the nation’s current interventionist ideology holds sway, it will only be through a financial meltdown that the US’s role as global policeman will come to a much-needed end.

Hamhung, North Korea, June 30, 1950
