Rig For Stormy Weather

Rig For Stormy Weather
Posted with permission and written by Gary Christenson, The Deviant Investor
Rig For Stormy Weather
Posted with permission and written by Gary Christenson, The Deviant Investor
E-mini S&P 500 Futures (ES)
Based on candlestick wick analysis and data across all three primary US futures contracts, there is less selling pressure than ever before.
Not since xyz, not since insert year here... there is less selling pressure than ever. But everything's awesome, right? Just BTFD, right?
Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
A recent article in the Washington Post described how the current US tax-‘reform’ bill is being shaped; and it describes, basically (at least as far as tax-law changes are concerned), the operation of a US dictatorship by the super-rich.
Late last week, China for the first time confirmed the deployment of its J-11B jet fighters to the heavily disputed South China Sea islands. Footage was released by Government-run China Central Television (CCTV) in the form of military propaganda directly challenging the United States and its allies in the disputed waters. The footage confirmed the aircraft are residing in various hangars on Yongxing island, a Chinese name for Woody Island, which is in the contested Paracel Island chain.
Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,
Amid United Nations' fears that genetic extinction technology could be used by militaries, a United States military agency has invested $100 million in the doomsday biological technology that can wipe out an entire species.