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You Know It's Late In The Cycle When The Yield Curve Starts Generating Headlines

You Know It's Late In The Cycle When The Yield Curve Starts Generating Headlines

Authored by John Rubino via,

The yield curve is one of those indicators that most people have heard of but few can explain. In part this is because it’s usually a non-issue, only becoming important enough to argue about during the final year of long expansions.

Like now:

Yield curve flattening maintains relentless momentum

Senator Graham Warns U.S. "Headed To War" With North Korea "If Things Don't Change"

Following yesterday's missile launch from North Korea, Senator Lindsey Graham joined CNN's Wolf Blitzer to warn that the U.S. is "headed to war" with the "crazy man" in North Korea "if things don't change."  Here are some excerpts from the interview via RT:

The US will go to war with North Korea "if things don't change," Sen. Lindsay Graham said, acknowledging that "a lot of people would get hurt and killed." Meanwhile, Russia and China have once again urged for both sides to exercise restraint and dialogue.


OPEC's Impossible Task

OPEC's Impossible Task

Authored by Nick Cunningham via,

OPEC is on the verge of extending its production cuts for an additional nine months, pushing the deal through the end of 2018. 

But the determination to keep the cuts in place comes at the same time that U.S. shale seems to be accelerating in response to higher oil prices.
