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“Russia Did It” and Other Crimes

“Russia Did It” and Other Crimes



“Russia Did It” and Other Crimes

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin






We haven’t had a system of capitalism since the Federal Reserve and Woodrow Wilson hijacked the US Treasury and US economy in 1913. Our financial, monetary and economic system has morphed into fascism, corporatism or something more akin to communism/socialism. The way our economy operates today, in 2017 - it is certainly not capitalism.


Do The Russians Have The Key To Solve America's Opioid Crisis?

Do The Russians Have The Key To Solve America's Opioid Crisis?

A new medical breakthrough in southern Russia could hold the key in solving America’s opioid epidemic.

Scientists at Volgograd Sate Medical University are launching clinical trials into a pain-killing drug which outperforms morphine, and does not cause addiction. This would be a big step in the right direction, as the crisis in the United States spirals out-of-control.

US Airstrike In Somalia Kills More Than 100 al-Shabab Militants

More than 100 al-Shabaab militants were killed Tuesday in the latest US airstrike in Somalia the Pentagon announced, the latest in a series of strikes against the al Qaeda affiliated group and ISIS fighters in the war-torn country meant to support the local government. The strike occurred 125 miles northwest of the capital of Mogadishu, and was the 29th such strike since the start of 2017, and 7th since November 9.

The Pentagon released the following statement commemorating the latest airstrike: 
