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United States

Somali Terrorist Charged In Canada Attack Was Previously Deported From The U.S.

Somali Terrorist Charged In Canada Attack Was Previously Deported From The U.S.

Over the past year, amid Donald Trump's crackdown on refugees and illegal immigrants, Canada has emerged as a willing safe harbor for those whose welcomes (and visas) in the US had expired. This past January, in response to Trump's executive order on immigration, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith,” adding that “Diversity is our strength."

These U.S. Companies Have The Most Cash Parked Overseas

These U.S. Companies Have The Most Cash Parked Overseas

While many US companies, especially those in the Russell 2000, have seen their stocks surge in recent days on renewed hopes that Trump tax reform may pass in the coming months (Goldman assigned a 65% probability of Trump tax passing), the reality is that for a vast majority of US corporations a tax cut to 30% or even 25% will have little marginal impact: after all, while US companies may have some the highest statutory tax rate in the world...

... the effective tax rate of the median S&P 500 company is 12% below the statutory rate, or roughly 27%:

Putin Strikes Again: Russian Hackers Reportedly Stole NSA Data On Cyber Defense

Putin Strikes Again: Russian Hackers Reportedly Stole NSA Data On Cyber Defense

Looks like Russian President Vladimir Putin is back at it.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that hackers working for the Russian government have stolen data describing how US intelligence agencies infiltrate foreign computer networks and how they defend against cyberattacks. The data were stolen after a National Security Agency contractor removed the highly classified material and put it on his home computer, according to WSJ’s anonymous sources.
