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Gallup & Pew Polls Try To Downplay The Fact That The US Is Regarded As The Main Threat To Peace

Gallup & Pew Polls Try To Downplay The Fact That The US Is Regarded As The Main Threat To Peace

The world–including Washington’s vassals–regards the US as the worst danger the world faces.

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North Korea May Be In Possession Of A Miniature Nuclear Warhead, Japan Warns

North Korea May Be In Possession Of A Miniature Nuclear Warhead, Japan Warns

One day after Kim Jong Un's regime balked at this weekend's UN sanctions, promising retaliation and threatening to attack the US with a nuclear weapon, Japan's government has released a new 500-page report in which it warns that the threat from North Korean nuclear weapons has reached a “new stage” and that Pyongyang’s weapons program had “advanced considerably,” to the point where it was possible that the regime had acquired the ability to miniaturize nuclear warheads.

Visualizing How Americans Get Healthcare Coverage

Visualizing How Americans Get Healthcare Coverage

With Obamacare firmly in the crosshairs of Republican lawmakers, the debate around U.S. healthcare is at a fever pitch.

While there is no shortage of opinions on the best route forward, Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins points out that the timeliness of the debate also gives us an interesting chance to dive into some of the numbers around healthcare – namely how people even get coverage in the first place.

