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Is The Deep State Plotting To Remove President Trump From Office Within The Next 6 Months?

Is The Deep State Plotting To Remove President Trump From Office Within The Next 6 Months?

Authored by Michael Snyder via The American Dream blog,

Is Donald Trump even going to make it to the 2020 election? The rumors that the deep state is planning to make a big move to try to remove President Trump have become a deafening roar, and if they are ultimately successful they are going to unleash a time of chaos and civil unrest unlike anything this nation has ever seen before.

Debt Ceiling Deal Doubts Rise - USA Default Risk Hasn't Done This Since Lehman

Debt Ceiling Deal Doubts Rise - USA Default Risk Hasn't Done This Since Lehman

The US Treasury Bill market remains notably inverted around the uncertain timing of the US debt limit debacle.

As Bloomberg reports, while Treasury bills maturing in October continue underperforming against November and December securities, the market has a murky view on the drop-dead date for the U.S. debt ceiling.

At the start of last week, concerns shifted to early October after the Treasury said in its 3Q refunding statement that it expects to be able to fund the govt through the end of September.


US Preparing For Airstrikes Against ISIS In The Philippines

US Preparing For Airstrikes Against ISIS In The Philippines

Now that ISIS - the perpetual scapegoat for US intervention in the Syrian proxy war - is no longer viable, with the Qatar, Saudi-funded and Pentagon-equipped terrorist organization scattered and on the run, and there is no longer an imperative to remove Assad from power as the Qatar natgas pipeline to Europe is mothballed indefinitely while Russia and Iran are the de facto undisputed rulers of Syria, it is time to focus popular anger against ISIS elsewhere... like in the Philippines.  And not wasting any time, NBC reports that the Pentagon is considering a plan allowing the U.S.

The Uber Effect: Avis Plunges On Huge Miss, Margin Collapse, Guidance Cut, "Over-Fleeting"

The Uber Effect: Avis Plunges On Huge Miss, Margin Collapse, Guidance Cut, "Over-Fleeting"

While the growing woes facing the auto sector are well-known by now (see "Carmageddon: Ford & GM Sales Tank Despite Record July Incentive Spending") and boil down to excess capacity, insufficient demand and just a tiny - if one listens to the experts - subprime lending bubble, one key culprit has emerged as the biggest catalyst behind the chronic weakness among US carmakers: a moribund fleet, or rental, industry which has been devastated in recent years from Uber's juggernaut of disruption.

Indonesia Will Barter Coffee, Tea And Palm Oil For Russian Fighter Jets

On Monday Russia warned that it would begin aggressively reducing its dependence on the US Dollar and US-based payment systems, and shortly after it confirmed just that when Indonesia announced that it will barter coffee, palm oil, tea and various other commodities in exchange for 11 Russian-made Su-35 fighter jets, calling U.S. and European sanctions against Russia "an opportunity to boost the Southeast Asian nation's trade."
