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"We Are Ready To Retaliate" Russia Warns After "Diplomatic Row" Ends Without A Deal

"We Are Ready To Retaliate" Russia Warns After "Diplomatic Row" Ends Without A Deal

Shortly after CNN reported late on Monday that according to Russian deputy foreign minister Rybakov, the Russian government was "almost" at a deal on getting back property seized by the US...

Frontrunning: July 18

  • U.S. Republicans left scrambling after health bill sinks again (Reuters); Republicans Give Up on Health-Care Reform, Now Seek Straight Repeal (BBG)
  • Trump Blames Democrats and a ‘Few Republicans’ for Health-Bill Wreck (BBG)
  • House Republicans Set Out Plan to Rewrite Tax Code (WSJ)
  • House GOP Budget Ignores Trump’s Cuts to Domestic Agencies (BBG)
  • House Republicans unveil 2018 budget with tax reform instructions (Reuters)
  • UK inflation unexpectedly falls and eases rate-hike fears (AP)

3/4 UK Graduates Will Never Repay Student Loans

3/4 UK Graduates Will Never Repay Student Loans

With tuition costs rising more than twice as quickly as consumer prices, a generation of recent college graduates are struggling to strike out on their own, burdened by a $1.4 trillion pile of debt that ineligible to be erased by the tonic of bankruptcy protection. Tuition costs have been blamed for nearly all of the ills facing the millennial generation. The rate at which re cent graduates are moving back homme with mom and dad has never been higher, with nearly a third retreating back to the basement as they struggle to jobs with adequate pay.

Poll Shows Americans' Massive Disapproval Of Both Parties: "Now It's Just An Oligarchy"

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The «Monthly Harvard-Harris Poll: June 2017» is the latest poll in that series, and it scientifically sampled 2,258 U.S. registered voters, of whom (as shown on page 30) 35% were «Democrat», 29% were «Republican», and 30% were «independent»).

It indicates (page 24) that 37% «approve» and 63% «disapprove» of «the way the Republican Party is handling its job».

