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"Technology Is Replacing Brains As Well As Brawn" - Challenging The 'Official' Automation Narrative (& Social Order)

"Technology Is Replacing Brains As Well As Brawn" - Challenging The 'Official' Automation Narrative (& Social Order)

Academics and economists have repeatedly underestimated the impact that immigration and automation would have on the labor market. As data on productivity gains and labor-force participation clearly show, the notion that innovation ultimately creates jobs by allowing workers to focus on higher-level problems is an illusion. If it were true, then why aren’t we already seeing more of the 20 million prime-age men who have inexplicably dropped out of the labor force welcomed back in?

You Know It's Bad When... Prices For Used Jets Are Cratering

You Know It's Bad When... Prices For Used Jets Are Cratering

America’s wealthiest individuals are thriving thanks to an imbalance in wealth accumulation that favors the already asset-rich. But even though the number of millionaires and billionaires living in the US has been climbing, and is on track to increase by nearly 700,000 a year between now and 2021 – so long as the market avoids another crash – an influx of new potential buyers has done little to alleviate a supply glut that has been weighing on used jet prices for years.

EXPOSED: CIA drug connection shows how they support USD and manipulate foreign markets

(GLOBALINTELHUB.COM) – 6/26/2017 — Drugs have been a part of human society forever – however far back you go, humans have used drugs in one form or another; medicine, recreation, spirituality (Shamans of simple tribes often ate psychedelics).  In the world today there is an interesting schism between the puritan “America” and “Europe” about this issue – in Europe they consider drug addiction a health issue, and in places like Switzerland you can literally get strong narcotics like heroin from the Government.

BIS Lists The Four Biggest Threats Facing The Global Economy

BIS Lists The Four Biggest Threats Facing The Global Economy

After years of fire and brimstone sermons, also known as the Bank of International Settlements' annual reports delivered with doom and gloomy aplomb by Jaime Caruana (the 2014 report, in which the BIS was shocked at how broken the market has become, was a particular favorite) who year after year warned about the adverse side-effects of central bank intervention, today the BIS released its most upbeat reports in years, in which it praised the recent rebound in global growth and predicted that GDP may soon revert to long-term average levels after the sharp improvement in sentiment over the pa
