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Ron Paul To Trump: Toss Your Generals' War Escalation Plans In The Trash

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

By the end of this month, Defense Secretary James Mattis and National Security Advisor HR McMaster will deliver to President Trump their plans for military escalations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. President Trump would be wise to rip the plans up and send his national security team back to the drawing board – or replace them.

Seattle Set To Become First City To Offer "Safe Spaces" For Heroin Use

Seattle Set To Become First City To Offer "Safe Spaces" For Heroin Use

Modeled after similar programs in Europe, Australia and Canada, Seattle is on track to become the first city in the United States where heroin addicts can legally shoot up at a supervised healthcare facility.  The controversial program is intended to reduce the number of overdose deaths by bringing users out of the alleys and into "safe places" where overdoses can be treated immediately, all at taxpayer expense, of course.  This new concept goes one step beyond needle exchange programs that exist in other cities intended to decrease the spread of disease through dirty needles.


WaPo: Trump Revealed "Highly Classified Information" In Meeting With Russians, Pentagon Denies

WaPo: Trump Revealed "Highly Classified Information" In Meeting With Russians, Pentagon Denies

Citing "current and former U.S. officials," all anonymous of course, the Washington Post has just reported that President Trump revealed "highly classified information" to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week which jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.  Per WaPo, the sensitive information allegedly relayed by Trump had been provided by a U.S.
