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United States

US Reverses: Tillerson Offers "Snubbed" NATO New Dates For Meeting

Yesterday, just hours after James Comey's hearing on Russian interference in the US election (which provided zero proof, but countless innuendo and extrapolations), we reported that Rex Tillerson planned to skip the April 5-6 meeting of NATO foreign ministers in order to be present at Mar-A-Lago during the first US visit by China's president, and one week later travel to Russia, which as Reuters said is "a step allies may see as putting Moscow's concerns ahead of theirs", or in other words - an intentional snub.

North Korea Threatens US With "First-Strike" Nuclear ICBM

North Korea Threatens US With "First-Strike" Nuclear ICBM

In the latest troubling development to come out of North Korea's increasingly irrational leadership, Reuters reports that the communist country has nothing to fear from any U.S. move to broaden sanctions aimed at cutting it off from the global financial system and will pursue "acceleration" of its nuclear and missile programs, according to a Pyongyang envoy.
