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Hedges Are "Pricing A World Almost Free Of Risk" Says BofA: Here's How To Trade It

Hedges Are "Pricing A World Almost Free Of Risk" Says BofA: Here's How To Trade It

Over the weekend, Bank of America's volatility experts Jason Galazidis and his team, pointed out that while US equity vol remains at historic low levels, it is not just equities where market participants are remarkably complacent, and write that both US credit & Chinese equity hedges "are pricing a world almost free of risk."

What Does OPEC Do Next?

What Does OPEC Do Next?

Authored by Salmon Ghouri via,

Time is of the essence. If you fail to comprehend future market conditions and fail to steer the ship in the right direction, it can lead to disaster. This is what we have learned during the past few years. OPEC’s failure to understand the future market conditions and speed of technological advancements has resulted in economic setbacks.

Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Also Met With Members Of The Clinton Campaign

In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria broadcast on Sunday, Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed growing frustration with the inconclusive first two months of relations between Moscow and the Trump administration, which started off with hope for reconciliation and have instead devolved into a perpetuation of the Obama (and Hillary Clinton) imposed status quo. The election of President Trump, who had spoken approvingly of Putin and called for improved US-Russia relations, had raised hopes in the Kremlin.
