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United States

"Billion-Year" Gambian President Was Installed By The CIA

"Billion-Year" Gambian President Was Installed By The CIA

Submitted by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Gambian President and dictator Yahya Jammeh, facing a combined military force composed of Senegalese army troops, the Nigerian air force, and troops from Mali, Ghana, and Togo, has agreed to relinquish the presidency of Gambia. On December 1, 2016, Jammeh was defeated for re-election in a surprise upset by his little-known rival Adama Barrow. Jammeh received only 45 percent of the vote.

Trump: Congress To Vote On Bill To Leave The UN

Days after Trump’s inauguration, members of Congress are seizing the moment and pushing for America to exit the United Nations, introducing a bill to the House that will repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and reclaim full American sovereignty. Under a Trump presidency there is a growing belief that the idea of America exiting the UN is not only feasible but could capture the national imagination, as American citizens seek to defeat the corrupt global elite and regain control of their country.

Fakewood EXPOSED: Where Fake News began

Fakewood EXPOSED: Where Fake News began

With the internet rife with "Fake News" - Fake Profiles, fake comments, and fake just about everything; let's do what an intelligence analyst should do (that is, analyze and not just do whatever his client pays him to do).  And, the first step before collecting current information is to understand the history.  In our case, the history of "Fake News" in USA at least, goes back to the days of WW1 (that's World War 1) and became mainstream, during WW2.

Jack Ma Accuses The US Of Spending $14 Trillion On War Instead Of Its People

In a CNBC clip, which slipped between the cracks last week,  Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who has been busy trying to get into Donald Trump's "circle of trust", spoke in Davos and blamed the problems of the United States on the United States itself, as a country which has spent trillions of dollars to wage war, instead of investing in infrastructure and its own people.

Trump May "Stop Enforcing Obamacare's Individual Mandate"

Trump's crackdown on Obamacare is accelerating.

Just over 7 hours after his inauguration, late on Friday, the president signed an executive order concerning the 2010 healthcare law, telling reporters the action was meant "to ease the burden of Obamacare as we transition from repeal and replace" and urging U.S. agencies to "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation" of provisions deemed to impose fiscal burdens on states, companies or individuals.
