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Trump And A New Gold-Backed Dollar

Trump And A New Gold-Backed Dollar

Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

On August 15, 1971, President Nixon killed the last remnants of the gold standard.

Since then, the dollar has been a pure fiat currency, allowing the Fed to print as many dollars as it pleases.

Removing the US dollar’s last link to gold eliminated the main motivation for foreign countries to store large dollar reserves and to use the dollar for international trade.

Weekend Reading: Trump - The Best (Or Worst) Of Times

Weekend Reading: Trump - The Best (Or Worst) Of Times

Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

Today is the day.

It’s inauguration day for Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.

For half of you – it is the beginning of an economic resurgence last seen during the Reagan administration. It is the “best of times.”

For the other half – it is the beginning of the “dark ages.” 

So goes politics. But politics and investing are poor bedfellows.

"The Potential Problems Are As Follows" - How The Bull Market Could End According To Credit Suisse

"The Potential Problems Are As Follows" - How The Bull Market Could End According To Credit Suisse

With Trump now officially US president amid concerns that a "sell the inauguration" sentiment may emerge at any moment, it was an appropriate moment for Credit Suisse analyst Andrew Garthwaite to release his report listing the 10 possible ways in which the bank's central views (and often the consensus) could be surprised. Below the bank highlights the factors its thinks could surprise adversely in 2017, together with its core views.

The quick summary:
