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Goldman On CMBS/RMBS

Goldman On CMBS/RMBS

Conduit CMBS (Commercial Mortgage Backed Security) debt outstanding is down from $740 billion in 2007 to $400 billion currently according a recent note from Goldman Sachs. The Non-Agency RMBS (Residential Mortgage Backed Security) Market, not backed by the US Government, has been contracting at a rate of 10 percent year, mostly due to prepayments and studious lenders paying off their loans. Agency RMBS (loans backed by the US Government) have been steadily climbing, reaching a level of $200 billion in issuance for the trailing 12 months.

Speculation Soars As Mike Pence Says "There Will Be Very Important Announcements Tomorrow"

With the Trump cabinet filling up, but a number of key positions still to be announced, vice-president-elect Mike Pence told Fox News tonight that "there will be very important announcements tomorrow."



So who will it be?


Assad On Verge Of Biggest Victory Since Start Of Syrian War With Imminent Capture Of Aleppo

Assad On Verge Of Biggest Victory Since Start Of Syrian War With Imminent Capture Of Aleppo

The battle for one of the most contested Syrian cities in the nation's long-running civil war, Aleppo, is approaching its climax. According to Reuters, the Syrian army and its allies announced the capture of a large swath of eastern Aleppo from rebels on Monday - by some estimates as much as 40% of the militant held part - in an accelerating attack that threatens to crush the opposition in its most important urban stronghold.

Defense Department Launches Probe Of Petraeus Sex Scandal Leaks

Defense Department Launches Probe Of Petraeus Sex Scandal Leaks

As reported earlier today, in what may be a tiebreaker option for Secretary of State in Trump's administration with both Romney and Giuliani seemingly unable to get enough internal support to make it over the hurdle, the president elect met with David Petraeus, a former U.S. military commander in Iraq whose sharing of classified information with his biographer mistress, led to his resignation as CIA chief in 2012, to evaluate him for the top diplomatic position in the US government.

1981 Prophesy Predicts ‘End Of USA’ Following Castro’s Death

A 1981 prophesy being circulated predicts the complete and utter economic collapse of the United States following the death of Fidel Castro.  The chilling prophecy was made by Christian prophet John W Johnston who also accurately predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the rise of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
