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United States

Mexican Drug Lord ‘El Chapo’ Is One Step Closer To U.S. Trial

Just days after  Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman was moved to a prison near the US border, a Mexican federal judge has ruled that the notorious drug lord can be extradited to the US to face criminal charges Guzman’s lawyers are fighting the decision. They say that several appeals remain pending and that any effort to send him to the U.S. now would violate his human rights.

Trump On Debt Renegotiation: "You Never Have To Default Because You Print The Money"

Following Donald Trump's Thursday comments that rising interest rates would be disastrous for the economy, saying that "we're paying a very low interest rate. What happens if that interest rate goes up 2, 3, 4 points?" hinting that the U.S. should "renegotiate longer-term debt" with creditors and that if the economy crashes he "can make a deal", various media outlets went to town on Trump, most notably the NYT, which took Trump to task:

US-NATO Military Display Forced Out Of Moldova’s Capital After Protest

Hundreds took to the streets of the Moldova’s capital Chisinau, on Sunday to protest against a display of NATO and US military vehicles. US and NATO soldiers had organized an exhibition of military vehicles and equipment on a central square in Chisinau earlier in the day, but were forced to leave following the demonstration. Russia Today reports: The exhibition of US military equipment on the city’s Great National Assembly Square on Sunday was presented as part of the V-Day celebrations, but instead provoked hundreds of protesters to take to the streets in outrage.
