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U.S. government

US Government 'Asks' Tech Companies To Tweak Algos, Promote Certain Content

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

You probably had no idea, but representatives from Silicon Valley, Hollywood and the U.S. government came together earlier this week to privately discuss how they could jointly fight ISIS propaganda online. Never mind the fact that ISIS is the child of reckless and inhumane preemptive wars of aggression perpetrated by the U.S. government. Such introspection naturally never crosses the mind of government bureaucrats ostensibly attempting to understand the epic disasters they created in the first place.

Donald Trump Is Right: Here Are 100 Reasons Why We Need To Audit The Federal Reserve

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

When a leading nominee for President gets something exactly right, we should applaud them for it.  In this case, Donald Trump’s call to audit the Federal Reserve is dead on correct.  Most Americans don’t realize this, but the Federal Reserve has far more power over the economy than anyone else does – including Barack Obama. 

Crypto-Wars Escalate: Congress Plans Bill To Force Companies To Comply With Decryption Orders

Seemingly angered at the temerity of Apple's Tim Cook's defense of individual's privacy and security, Congress has escalated the 'crypto-wars' that are dividing Washington and Silcon Valley. In its most directly totalitarian move yet, WSJ reports that Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R., N.C.) is working on a proposal that would create criminal penalties for companies that don’t comply with court orders to decipher encrypted communications.

The USA’s Attempt To Destroy Syria Was Planned In 2003

The U.S. government were pushing for a war with Syria as early as 2003, Congress documents reveal.  Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell demanded that Syria sever its connections with organisations aiding Palestinians pursuing self-determination on May 2, 2003 – threatening the government with military action if they did not comply. In September 2003 the US Under Secretary Of State John Bolton warned that Syria may be pursuing a WMD program, urging the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee that action needed to be taken.

The Bernie & Hillary 'Group Think' Show - Cynics, Cowards, Or Populist Propagandists

Submitted by Robert Parry via,

A curious reality about Official Washington is that to have “credibility” you must accept the dominant “group thinks” whether they have any truth to them or not, a rule that applies to both the mainstream news media and the political world, even to people who deviate from the pack on other topics.
