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U.S. government

Seymour Hersh: Saudis Paid Pakistan to Hold bin Laden To Prevent U.S. Interrogation

Seymour Hersh: Saudis Paid Pakistan to Hold bin Laden To Prevent U.S. Interrogation

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

In the aftermath of the most signifiant geopolitical event of my lifetime, the attacks of September 11,2001, the U.S. government proceeded to concoct a fairytale for public consumption in order to advance imperial ambitions overseas and a implement a domestic surveillance state at home. This should be obvious to everyone by now.

The Saudi 9/11 Blackmail Explained: The K-Street Lobby Racketeers Have It Covered

The Saudi 9/11 Blackmail Explained: The K-Street Lobby Racketeers Have It Covered

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Although scores of us in the alternative media world have been discussing the obvious links between Saudi Arabia and the attacks of 9/11 for many years, this reality has only now started to enter the mainstream consciousness due to a recent report on 60 Minutes.
